Собака грабит бензоколонку



Dog robs gas station

A hungry bull terrier with a sweet tooth left his home to make a night raid on a gas station. The Statoil outlet's security cameras recorded the dog's stealthy hunt for his favorite type of chocolate, and a security guard busted the pooch without incident, newspaper Adressavisen reports.

Conan arrives around dawn, looking for something to satisfy his habit.

Конан прибывает на рассвете, ища кое-что, чтобы удовлетворить свое желание

PHOTO: Adresseavisen

Conan makes a thorough search - he won't settle for just anything.

Конан делает полный поиск - он не будет есть, что попало

PHOTO: Adresseavisen

Is that the chocolate covered rice crisp?

PHOTO: Adresseavisen

Terrier Conan, aged 7, ended up behind bars and according to his owner the dog is a repeat offender.

"He is incredibly fond of food in general and sweets in particular. He has run off a few times before, and he always heads for food stores," owner Liss-Hege Jeremiassen told Adresseavisen.

Conan sneaked out the door Wednesday night and headed straight for only place open, a nearby Statoil station. The cameras picked him up sniffing around the candy shelves, poking his nose into the containers of sweets sold by loose weight, and snubbing all of these treats in search of his personal favorite, chocolate covered rice crisp. Here he stopped and devoured the contents of the container.

"When he was finished he let out this enormous burp," said Elisabeth Roel, who had the night shift at the station.

She tried to chase Conan out but the dog growled at this attempt to interrupt his chocolate raid. Roel then called the police, who turned the job over to Falken security.

"He's really a nice dog, but he doesn't have looks on his side. He spent the night next to a pit bull, but that went well. He's calm and friendly," said security guard Otto Olsen, who apprehended the hound.

Roel said she wouldn't have been worried if she had recognized Conan, but since he had escaped without his collar, she wasn't sure and wasn't about to take chances.




Собака грабит бензоколонку


Голодный бультерьер с пристрастием к сладкому ушел из  дома, для того чтобы сделать ночной визит на бензоколонку. Камеры безопасности сделали запись тайной охоты собаки за его любимым шоколадом.


Бультерьер Конан, в возрасте 7,  невероятно любит  конфеты.  И вот в среду ночью он забежал в открытую дверь магазина на бензоколонке. Камеры засекли его, фыркающим около  полок леденцов, и тыкающим своим носом в контейнеры конфет, продаваемых на развес, но нет, он  пренебрежительно обходил  все эти удовольствия, ища свой любимый шоколад. Найдя его, он остановился и стал опустошать содержимое контейнера. Хозяйка бензоколонки попыталась помешать бультерьеру, поедать контейнеры с шоколадом, но буль огрызался. Поскольку  хозяйка не знала Конана, да и поскольку на нем не было  ошейника, она вызвала полицию.  Как позже сказал охранник, буль спокойно провел ночь с пит-булем, Конан спокойный и дружелюбный, он действительно хорошая собака.

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